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Most women live with only parts of their essence "online" or fully expressed.

If you are here, you desire MORE than that, beloved.

You are a wombyn HUNGRY to experience her fullness and reach into the places that have been shut down and bring them back to life!

To feel the wisdom of your silent Crone, the raging life force and boundary setting warrior and sex goddess of your Enchantress, to feel the nurturing, warm and beautiful energy of your inner Mother, and the excited, young, playful, creative energy of your Maiden.

You desire to live in harmony and balance with your cycle by understanding the 4 different phases of your womb (and the moon's cycle) and how to set yourself up and best support yourself and use your energy in each phase!


A life of pleasure and awe at the range of your power. 

Sound good?


What are the 4 Main Feminine Archetypes?




Crone/Wise Woman 

These archetypes correspond to your menstrual cycle, life cycle, earth cycles, and moon cycle.

Understanding these cycles will empower you in living in alignment WITH your cycle so you can start enjoying it and even experience pleasure during your bleed and pre-bleeding phase instead of living against it. 

During this 1.5 hour course we dive deep into these archetypes, how to work with them and guide you into 4 embodiment practices so you can actually EXPERIENCE the power of each archetype in your body and be equipped with powerful practices for each phase.

Are you ready to activate your womb POWER and embody your most pleasurable life? 

Price: $111

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