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Yoni Embodiment
Facilitator Training

Come home to your body and spirit...
the Womb Way 

January- June 2023
online group program




In just 6 months you will feel transformed on a cellular level and feel confident in teaching a method and a host of practices in spiritual, intuitive feminine embodiment that helps womxn come home to their bodies, their hearts, and their yonis in a holistic and grounded way. The feminine is can feel it and you want to be a part of the movement. You know you are a healer and you feel your heart’s calling is to deeply serve the feminine BUT....

For one, right now you know you need to heal yourself first. You know that first there’s deeper work for you to do. You want to dive deep into the mysteries of your yoni and womb and rise, feeling like a priestess connected to your own sovereign power and connection to Source.

Secondly, you want to learn practices that feel ancient and powerful yet universal. You want to be able to serve womxn who may have never never connected to their womb or done any healing work before. You want to be able to serve the womxn most in need of this healing. You want to be able to translate the deeply spiritual stuff into a practice and a method that serves the modern womxn where she is at…..

Thirdly, maybe you feel all over the place with all your different modalities and methods and trainings…You feel like you know a lot and you’ve done a lot of work already but yet you don’t know how to teach it and put yourself out there as a leader in the field. You want to ground into a daily practice that serves you. You want to feel more confident in being able to teach and share what you have already learned and embody in a way that's uniquely YOU. You want to learn the art of powerful space holding and embodied leadership and be able to build a business and a brand.

from spiritual seeker to
embodied medicine wombyn....

IMG_4015 2.JPG how do I get there?

Embodying your inner medicine wombyn/priestess/creatrix is more than about learning a modality!

Beyond the training in the practices, these are the steps you will go through that will help you embody your most authentic and powerful self:


  1. Clear your womb from past trauma. Womb trauma can be from your ancestral line, past lives, your own birth, sexual, relational, cycle/bleed related, and (if relevant) from any abortions/miscarriages. There’s a reason the negative patterns, experiences or circumstances keep showing up again and again in your life. Your subconscious and body are living the story from your past. There are stories and energies living in all different areas of your body. Learn how to feel this and gain the tools to be able to clear it. Repattern your subconscious + body + womb through the yoni temple embodiment practices so you can re-align to the vibration of LOVE.

  2. Embody your inner CO- CREATRIX, yourself as a sovereign and complete goddess through your yoni. Build your self worth, let go of what anyone thinks & fall in love with yourself. Begin or enhance your daily self care practices and self pleasure rituals. A pleasured woman is a magnetic, powerful, confident and creative woman. Your yoni is a powerful portal. Awaken your crystalline and pure connection to God/Goddess/Earth/Source within your yoni. 

  3. Get clear on your desires for your life. Dive deep into your body to listen to what you REALLY desire in your life. Imagine it, feel it, LIVE like you’re in it. Embody strong boundaries to protect yourself from old patterns that are NOT an aligned fit to who you are vibrationally now. 

  4. Show up as a humble leader in your community or if you are already leading/teaching, integrate this new work into it. Practice sharing the embodiment methods you have been learning, start creating your own unique creations, gain confidence in your leadership skills, and start putting yourself out there in a bold and powerful way. PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.

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Let me break down the full name for you: YONI TEMPLE EMBODIED DANCE

YONI- is the ancient Sanskrit (the language of the yogic texts) word for "sacred temple space" and it refers to your womb, vagina, vulva, and ovaries. I use this word because there is no English equivalent. This is the center of your body; it is your creative life force energy yet it has been shamed, traumatized and forgotten for hundreds and even thousands of years (depending on when your ancestry was colonized) by the patriarchy. Yoni also refers to the Divine Feminine, the Goddess, Mother Earth, and the Great Womb of the cosmos who birthed us all. It is an affirmation that we are always held in the womb of love!

TEMPLE- An acknowledgement and reminder of your body as a temple. Your yoni and heart are the most sacred sites of this temple.

EMBODIED- Embodiment is the art of FEELING and EXPERIENCING your body as a temple rather than thinking about it as a nice idea. Most modern humans have been shut down from their bodies' felt sense sensations. They often don't even have language for what they experience. Somatic embodiment is the art of SENSING...unwinding yourself...slowing down, feeling, becoming childlike, entering a state of present wonder, and reawakening the parts of you that have been shut down (i.e. emotions, pain, reactions) and can look like making sounds and moving your body in ways that may be socially unacceptable. When one experiences trauma in their body, it is common to retreat into the mind, thinking it is the only safe place to be. You lose a significant amount of your available power when you focus on rational mind power only. In embodiment philosophy, you don't need to "heal"- you only need to REWILD yourself from the constraints of normal society. Everything in nature heals itself. Embodiment is coming home to the truth that you are ALSO nature.

DANCE- Women have been dancing together since the beginning of life on is the ancient way we connect to our bodies, the Earth and the Divine. Dance elevates mundane life and ordinary movement into ART...aka the divine. Dance brings you into a state of expanded which you are one with the sacred, grandiose and all of Life.
Dance is the essence of feminine spirituality that has been lost in our modern, patriarchal culture and colonized society. Even modern spirituality is completely devoid of the feminine. Our bodies, our s*xuality and our dance have been shamed and shunned to the outer corners of society.

Yoni Dance is a core embodiment practice in the Yoni Temple Embodiment Method which includes cyclical living, menstrual reverence, yoni sungazing, yoni steaming, yoni de-armoring and yoni egg work.

Yoni Dance is a guided dance experience to awaken this ancient, cellular memory within you....To awaken your inner Dancer....the one within you who KNOWS how to dance...your inner Goddess, if you will.

Your inner Goddess/inner Dancer is the spirit within you who is connected to the Universe/The Great Mystery/the everything that we are all a part of.

In Yoni Dance, we work with the 5 elements within us (earth, air, water, fire and ether), the earth, the sky/cosmos above us, the 4 main feminine archetypes and your center of life force- your yoni.

The dance journeys (or "ceremonies" as I often refer to them) are an epic, dynamic workout, healing energetic practice and nervous system reset that includes breath work, self touch, movement/dance, vocal activation work, and a restorative embodiment meditation at the end while lying down.



Intuitive Feminine Bodywork

Wombyn bodies CRAVE and require touch for optimal health and happiness.

Intuitive abdominal organ massage, womb massage, lymphatic drainage breast massage, and the art of intuitive sensual touch.

Clear heart and womb blockages, support digestive system and activate your sensual, radiant, glowing, love-filled

womb and heart spaces.

 Guide the body to open through breath work, energy healing, flowers/plants, and touch assisted movement. You will practice with yourself and with a partner (practice client!).


Yoni Dance

This work is the heart of this training.

You will learn embodiment tools and practices to connect to your primal body wisdom, your sensuality and your somatic intuition. You will gain a toolkit of movement/breath/touch/voice practices to clear stagnant energy, heal trauma, embody boundaries, own your power/confidence and live in a more embodied way. You will also receive intensive training into how to guide your own powerful and effective embodiment journeys for others.



Cyclical Womb Wisdom

Study the 4 phases of your cycle and the corresponding feminine archetypes- Maiden, Mother, Enchantress, and Wise Woman/ Crone by keeping a womb journal and learning practices and rituals for each phase.

Learn fertility awareness and cycle tracking for natural contraception or for conscious conception.

Menstrual reverance practices. 




The Yoni Temple Embodiment method is a unique methodology based on earth and yoni


connection, the 5 elements, and the 4 main feminine archetypes.

The core of this method is YONI DANCE but also includes all the practices below.

The practices in this method are profoundly mystical...they are not something that can be understood by the mind or written about in the english language but I will attempt to in the outline below. I hold and guide these practices sacredly.

In this training, you are invited to take your time with each practice.

Let them sink into your blood, bones and cells. Let them change you.

Embody them. Rest in them.


Yoni Power with crystal wands and eggs

Connect to the power of your yoni even deeper through the use of crystal wands and crystal eggs. These tools are powerful for toning, de-armoring, clearing old traumas stuck in the tissue, activating, increasing pleasure capacity massaging, and strengthening your pelvic floor for longer and deeper orgasms.



Yoni Steaming and
Yoni Sunning 

Learn these simple and ancient practices that will change your relationship with your yoni. Awaken her sensation and feeling through sunlight/steam. These practices tone, lubricate, clear old energies, regulate hormones, regulate your nervous system, and fill you with energy, s*x drive and a radiant yoni glow! Integrate this practice into your monthly cycle routine. Connect intentionally with these practice through my guided meditations.



Yoni Earth Resonance

Womb and body based meditation attuning to the frequency of Earth and Yoni.
Enter the ceremonial space of your subconscious womb and connect with Spirit/God/Earth through your womb portal, and learn how to guide powerful meditations that can lead people on life transformative journeys into their own wisdom and receive messages from their womb/other realms.

Guest Teacher:
Natalie Elliot

Birth Keeper (IG: @moonbaby_magic)

Natalie is a birth keeper, supporting wombyn during pregnancy and birth. She will give us a masterclass on the science, mystery, brain phases, and hormonal phases of pregnancy and birth. This class will ROCK your socks off into learning the MAGIC of your FEMALE BODY.

This knowledge changed my life and my womb journey and I'm so honored to be sharing her work with you.


Even if you never plan to be pregnant, I believe this information to be radically life changing and essential for anyone in a female body.

Message from Natalie....

"Pregnancy and birth are the portal through which maidens become mothers. This is the ultimate rite of passage for women and it is inherent and embodied. Creating life is the most creative thing you can do! Whether you have been on the womb path for a long time or are just beginning your journey, pregnancy is the perfect time to tune in and develop a deeper relationship with your body.


In this class, we will learn the different phases of pregnancy, and what happens within you on both a biological and spiritual level. You will learn about the altered states of consciousness in birth and the opportunity that exists for deep healing and transformation. 


This is information all women deserve to know. It is our birth rite and responsibility to support each other on this childbirth continuum."


Yoni Consciousness


In addition to being trained in practices, you'll be initiated into a state of consciousness I call Yoni Consciousness. You’re learning practices that are technologies to AWAKEN you to your own source power.

In the feminine Yoni Temple way, awakening is not linear, harsh and shocking for the body and psyche but it is cyclical, compassionate, inevitable, and gentle. You’re learning the technology of how to actually be in more of your  sovereignty, intuition, prayer/source connection and power. Intuition and Spirit realm connection are not loosey- goosey, mysterious, intangible abilities that some people have and some people don't! Yes, some people are born with more of this connection/it wasn’t taken away from them/ they weren’t indoctrinated OUT OF IT, but anyone can also be re-trained in it. This is the actual technology to help them remember and waken it back up.

You’ll learn how to be SO in the energy that when you teach- you awaken people to something more.

You’ll learn how to teach from ENERGY (yoni consciousness) and not from words. Your energy ALONE can awaken someone.

Learn how to embody a new way of being within yourself that the way you talk, the way you walk, the way you think, the way you dance, the way that you are present INSIDE yourself....

awakens everyone around you.


The feminine is rising

And womxn are desiring tangible ways to awaken their latent intuitive feminine power their full expression their sexuality/sensuality as divinity and to tap into their healing gifts


Are you feeling the call to tap in deeper on your spiritual path in the way of the feminine?


Are you desiring to feel a softness inside? To nurture and deeply nourish your body and soul?


To learn how to feel, access the deep power and gift of your emotions, make art, and cultivate an embodiment practice that is in sync with your cyclical nature?

YOU are HERE because you have a calling to rise into your fullest expression, purpose, leadership, radiance, and power.

Step into your full voice, essence and power as a leader, healer and guide, guiding all wombyn back to the wisdom within their bodies.


Who is this for?

This embodiment facilitator training is intended for leaders, coaches, healers, space holders, creatives and entrepreneurs looking to expand your capacity, strength, power, radiance, enjoyment and pleasure as a guide and you want to expand your knowledge and capacity to include yoni and womb work, embodied movement and dance and touch.

This is also for you who know inside you are a healer and guide and medicine woman and you are looking to IGNITE that within yourself, even if you have never led anything or held space before.

We also welcome doctors, nurses, and those in the medical field who are desiring a more holistic and mystical perspective to  connect with your womb space to add to and inform your practice.

This is also for you even if you have no desire to teach or hold space but you are looking to gain a deeper connection with and understanding of your womb, your yoni, and your body. This training will be a deep dive into all these aspects of healing so you can truly be your own healer. The leadership training and embodiment tools will apply into every aspect of your life and enhance all of you who are and support all of what you do. 


More than a teacher training...

I not only teach you powerful methods that you become trained in and can use with others…I guide you into the place within yourself where YOU become the channel…where you connect to your own divinity, sovereignty and intuition so actually birth your own methods, practices and unique creations into the world.


The world doesn't need more people regurgitating the same teachings.

The reason you’ve done so much inner work but you still feel like you’re not quite “there” is because you haven’t fully embodied YOURSELF as the healer and creatrix.


It needs YOU channeling the unique art creations, modalities, businesses, or teachings that can only come from YOU. It needs you FOLLOWING your BLISS, activated as your highest self and sharing your authentic medicine.

You get to stop outsourcing your power onto other teachers/healers/guides and find YOUR OWN powerful way.

No one is teaching this sh*t. Everyone wants to teach you “their way” and train you so that you’re “under them” so THEY retain all the power.

Nuh uh, honey.


We’re moving beyond hierarchical power structures. This is the new way of decentralized power and personal sovereignty. You didn’t incarnate in this lifetime to be another slave to someone else’s empire.


You came to be QUEEN of your own life this time. You came here to birth something totally unique.


And, babe, the world is CRAVING what you came here to share. You have unique gifts that either are awaiting to be awakened or that maybe you already know but want to grow.



CEREMONIAL AND EMBODIED SPACE HOLDING- You will learn how to create safe and sacred spaces for 1:1 clients and groups to guide people deep into their subconscious/body/womb. You'll understand deeper what it means to work with the elements, Earth, God/Goddess, and the spirit realm.

EMBODIED LEADERSHIP- You will learn how to show up energetically as a confident leader and guide and also as your authentic self. You will learn how to lead from your body + communication and people skills for handling challenging situations.

OWNING YOUR VOICE- You will embody your voice as your power and feel the unique essence of your voice.

HOW TO GUIDE YOUR OWN INTUITIVE EMBODIMENT PRACTICES/JOURNEYS-  You will receive intensive training not only all the embodiment practices above but also how to guide them. You will learn how to powerfully use language, metaphor, different cue types and the tone of your voice to guide people into a range of different experiences of their own body, into their own intuition and into the liminal space beyond the cognitive mind.


The Curriculum:

At the end of each month (we start at the end of Jan), 3 trainings will be released as recordings for you to focus on practicing and practice teaching.

1 live group ceremony the last Wednesday of every month 7-8:30pm pst

1 day intensive every month
for teacher training practice + embodied leadership training.


15 hours of practice teaching hours done on your own time.



 Wise Woman/Winter
Ethers Element


Go deep into the gestation of winter and the element of Ether by traveling into the cosmos of your womb through Yoni Dance and particularly the yoni earth resonance meditation practice.


Yoni steaming ritual + how to best support yourself during the winter/wise woman/bleeding phase of your cycle.




Feminine Bodywork.
Air Element.


Learn womb and abdominal massage basics to support menstrual cramps, digestive issues, and anxiety. Womb massage for deep womb connection. Breast massage basics for lymphatic drainage, cysts, and heart opening. 

Learn partnered touch, touch assisted movement, and partner bodywork for your classes and 1:1 sessions.

Journey deeper with Air element through Yoni Dance.



Maiden phase/Spring~
Fire Element, Heart Activation

Study more deeply the energetics of Spring/the maiden archetype/the follicular womb phase and study Fire element through Yoni Dance.

Activate your inner fire and power!



Yoni Voice Activation,
Water Element, Mother Archetype

Learn how to support the Mother archetype/ovulation phase and journey deeper with the water element through Yoni Dance.

Feel the intuitive, yoni voice of your body.

Sing and speak from the core of your womb.  



Yoni wand and yoni egg work.
Earth Element.

Learn how to begin or deepen your practice with a yoni wand and egg and how to guide others and initiate them into practice with a wand/egg.

Journey deeper with the earth element in

Yoni Dance.

Learn womb-manifestation and pleasure prayer. Work with visioning and clarity on how you desire to birth your gifts into the world manifested through a group pleasure ceremony in our live meeting. 



Inner Feminine & Masculine Healing.
Leadership Energetics.

Awaken your inner divine masculine, connect with your inner man, heal past masculine relationships, and let your masculine and feminine work with each other in love. 

Confident empowered leadership and a healthy relationship with work, direction and goals.

Prepare to exit this container with a plan towards your dream. Move forward confident and taking action.

*financial exchange listed in application


You have two options...


You get the 6 month teacher training and you work with me 1:1

3x a month and have access to me 24/7 (except sundays) on voice and text message.

My 1:1 sessions are unique in that I combine my years of experience in subconscious work, neurolinguistic reprogramming, conscious mind and mindset work, somatic healing and psychology. We explore trauma, inner child work, past life work, blocks, emotions, shadows, beliefs, and anything else keeping you from living your most epic, big, juicy life you are worthy of. 

This work is the perfect compliment to the mystical and deeply embodied womb and body work we're doing in the program as it helps INTEGRATE the work we're doing in the body with your subconscious and conscious mind.

This work also opens and expands your ability to bypass conscious mind and more easily access your subconscious realm, your imagination and expands your visual and psychic gifts, seeing into other timelines and realms. Visualization is a muscle and therefore a super power you can build. 

It's actually vital to be working with mind, subconscious and body; to work with ALL parts of self to really move forward, step into your highest self and to manifest so I HIGHLY recommend choosing to go all in.

Working with me is a sacred and intimate relationship I take very seriously. My 1:1 clients are soulmate relationships who enter the realm of my heart and prayer. I am fully devoted to supporting your path, calling you out on where you're staying small and I hold you accountable to the HIGHEST VISION you have for yourself. 

HOWEVER I know this may be inaccessible for some even with the 6-9 month payment plan so there is an option to do this training without 1:1 support.



Hi...I'm Juilaila

I believe that every wombyn deserves access to this wisdom and information I share in this program.

To me, this is FOUNDATIONAL knowledge to being on earth and being in a wombyn’s body.


Every wombyn should know the basic functions and cycles, biology, inner workings and capacity of her body.


Every wombyn should know how to tune inwards, feel connected to her inner truth, confidence, radiance and intuition.


Every wombyn should know- on an embodied, cellular level- that she is MAGICAL, POWERFUL, SOVEREIGN, WHOLE, FREE and CONNECTED to yoni/source consciousness.

When I began my embodiment journey, I was only 17, I had just lost my older sister to cancer, and I was in the darkest place of my life. In my first yoga class, I felt my body for the very first time- it was only for a moment but I felt it. It took years and years from that day for me to start feeling safe in my body enough to feel the pileup of all the emotions I had never felt my whole life. It took me a year after my sister's death to cry

(for the first time since infancy.)

Growing up in the trauma of my fundamentalist "christian" religious environment in Texas,  my body learned that it wasn't a safe place to be so I stayed safe in the safe realms of my logical mind. My emotions also learned that they weren't safe to express, so I buried those down real deep and gained a fabulous protection barrier around my heart.

I said I would never love.

I said I wasn't interested in men, yet also somehow desperate to be loved by them.

I was deeply disconnected from my feminine, (body, feeling, intuition, emotion, and sensuality) yet I was on a spiritual QUEST. I had no idea YET that my feminine would be the key to my spiritual path....


I knew science and quantum physics pointed to the vast mysteriousness of the universe but all this spiritual stuff felt way too woo-woo. A trust Epicurean empiricist, I needed to EXPERIENCE it first hand to believe it. In university, I studied world religion and philosophy and switched my major to Art so that I could study the great mysteries of the inner world and express my experiences through an art practice.

In the search, I found myself in yoga classes, ecstatic dance, breath work classes, plant medicine ceremonies, in sweat lodges working with elders, in a blindfolded trance dance in a basement in France, 3 months in India staying at ashrams, and on a 2 week journey with an indigenous woman who took me to reservations across the

U.S. as her documentary filmmaker.


Then I found the practice of feminine embodied movement. Dancing with the Goddess in the mountains of Topanga, my entire masculine quest for all the answers fell away...

I had found it.

& it was right here in my body,

the place I had been running from.

It was Me.

The Goddess lived in me.

The Goddess was pleasure, bliss,

and the expanse beyond the mind.

& She lived in my dance, in my breath,

in the mountains and in my womb.

My new devotional search was now THIS.

I graduated school and dedicated my life to a different kind of study.

A mystical study of my body and soul.

I trained with my teacher in Topanga for years and received a teacher training certification in her feminine embodied yoga, movement and dance practice.

I retreated from the world and started to spend all my time in nature, meditating, practicing and dancing, experiencing myself on deeper and deeper levels.


I started to teach, host retreats, and I continued my study of embodiment,

dance, trauma healing, somatics, tantra, yoni pleasure work,

nervous system work and subconscious mind work. 

In this study, I began to accept that I was WOMAN.

My body was powerful, unique and distinctly different than a man's. From my lifetime as a feminist and gender nonconformist, I was insistent that men and women were no different, and that gender was merely a construct.

But now I had felt my yoni.

So I went on to deeper understand my womb cycles, the phases, my hormones, and my unique mysteries by studying with womb workers and birth doulas and feminine health experts.

In 2019, I joined with other incredible womb workers and divine feminine experts and together we created Yoni Temple School. Last year, Sam Rea and I hosted our first teacher training and I never felt more alive. I knew my work was to train other facilitators in this magic and mystery school of the feminine.

I am humbled, grateful and ecstatic to be offering this training again this year...holding the torch of training other wombyn in these methods. 

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