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Yoni Temple
Womb Wisdom & Embodiment

Online program


This is for wombyn desiring to reconnect to the ancient wisdom of her yoni, womb, and body.

A transformational journey of awakening your most alive and empowered primordial feminine through:

-womb wellness 
-yoni activation
-elemental embodiment
-herbal support
-sacred touch
-sacred sexuality
and more... 

Transform your relationship with your truest self through educational guidance, experiential learning, and ceremonial ritual.



Sister, dream with us for a moment... 

Imagine...Living in harmony with your body from a space of deep understanding and connection to your cycles, your body wisdom, your intuition, your heart…. & having

a deep sense of empowered connection with your womb health, feminine health, and your vitality 


Imagine..  Knowing your body's rhythms, trusting her intuitive wisdom and being able to set boundaries in your life....Embodying a sense of confidence as a sovereign wombyn, connected to your body, your health, your sexuality, your sensuality, and fully claiming your right to be here on earth as a WOMAN. Learn embodiment, earth connection, womb wisdom, menstrual reverence, sacred sensuality & sexuality, herbal plant spirit medicine, and so much more! 


Imagine...Always feeling grounded in your radiance & confidently expressing this in your life…. and anytime you waver from this knowing, you have the tools, practices you'll receive from weekly circle with your womb guides & a supportive network of womxn to ground you back into Truth and into your power


You're feeling the call from deep within your womb…

Do one or more of these sound familiar?


You sense a disconnection from your body & intuition sometimes (or all the time)

Emotional or physical pain that you don’t understand

You don’t feel the FULL depths of your feminine pleasure 

you want a deeper understanding of and connection with your yoni 

If you feel any sense of shame when it comes to your body or self-pleasure practice

Embarrassment, confusion, or PAIN related to your womb or menstrual cycle 

Missing or irregular period

You crave a greater understanding of your moods and cycles through the day and month 

You sometimes feel the need to people please & unsure how to voice your boundaries

Feel uncertain in your truth in how you feel and what you want

Take on other people’s energy 

Pain and disconnection during sex and crave to feel penetrated by life

Feel anxiety, lack of motivation or energy, numbness, and/or overwhelm

Ready to let go of suppressing or holding back your voice, truth and expression

Creatively blocked and unsure about how to fully show up as your truest authentic self 

Overall not feeling as fulfilled in your life, your body, your work, your relationships as you truly desire


You are ready to reclaim the wisdom of your womb and body.


It's your time

TO ROOT into your womb

& RISE into your full radiance, power, & expression!



The Yoni Temple School Program

A online program for womxn who desire belonging within an

earth-rich sisterhood of womxn who RISE together by continuously deepening their embodiment of their wildest, richest, most energetically and soul-aligned essence, awakening your most alive and empowered primordial feminine through womb wellness, yoni activation, elemental embodiment, herbal support and sacred touch. Transform your relationship with your truest self through educational guidance, experiential learning, and ceremonial ritual.



Presented by the Co-Creatrix's of

Yoni Temple School

Meet your Yoni Temple School Guides....


Hannah Grasso

What's included?

Womb Portal with 14 prerecorded classes focusing on a specific womb wellness topic each week.
12 recorded LIVE 1.5 hour ceremonies with guided ritual and embodied learning of that week's focus, including time for sharing, integration and  including embodied feminine movement, meditation, womb massage and guided yoni steaming journeys

These lives were recorded March-May 2021 and are now available for YOU to take anytime at your own pace.

Each course included in the program is also available for individual purchase which includes the pre-recorded course and corresponding live embodiment ceremony call 


Ancient Feminine Teachings

womb teachings. plant medicine teachings


Movement Medicine

& Embodiment

every ceremony we'll be moving with practices inspired by amba movement and deep nourishment. embodied feminine movement to experience your lusciousness

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Sisterhood + Sharing

every live meeting we'll have time for sharing

Awaken the Sacred "NO"


Divine Masculine and Feminine Energetics, boundaries

Embodied tools to stop people pleasing and holding yourself back from living the life you dream of. Embody your inner masculine


Birthing your Sexual Self as your Primordial Temple


Yoni Wand Practices- de-armoring, g spot and cervical orgasms

Breath practices for your own self pleasure and enhanced partnered experience

Eating for your Cycle


Sacred Feminine Nutrition

Food tracking: lowering womb inflammation and awakening Intuitive eating


Tone your Yoni


Jade Egg Practices- yoni strengthening and toning. Pelvic Floor Connection

 Understanding the Mysteries of the Birth Canal for Creation

Learn the 9 Gates of the Womb, pleasure mapping, & yoni reflexology 

Reconnecting in Intimacy with your Womb and 


The Art of WombManifestation


DEEPER dive into how to manifest from your feminine magnetism and sensual radiance

Journaling exercises

**Pleasure it into existence**




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You are the Earth


Embody the 5 elemental medicines. Fire, Water, Earth Air, and Space are within you- understand the energetics and how to harness these medicines, activating your sensuality, confidence, stability clarity, and how you show up in the world through movement and breath practices from Amba Movement.

 Transmissions of Sacred Touch and Presence 


Meso-American Womb Massage for period cramps, womb placement, digestion, and emotional support during all phases of your life. Guided self-massage techniques, and sacred touch, presence and activation for embodied pleasure & nurture.


Heart-Breast Reclamation 


Self-love activation: breast Massage as a gateway to heart connection and how you show up in the world.


Intuitive herbal medicine


Cultivate relationship in reciprocity with the earth and land.

Learn herbal wisdom for womb health and how to make herbal infusions and intentional herbal oils.

Connect with herbs for sensual awakening, pleasure, and love.


Wise Womb Nurture: Vaginal Steaming 

Learn how to yoni steam and release energetic imprints from past lovers/lives and nurture pains, trauma, limiting beliefs, unconsciously stored in your womb, embodied in the Wise Womb Way.


Vocal Vaginal Awakening 


The connection between the yoni and vocal cords

Sacred vocal exercises and awakening your heart song, and expression.


Sam Rea




***2 BONUS Masterclasses***

received when purchase of program


Moon Womb:

Menstrual Reverence 

Deep Dive Masterclass into tracking the 4 Feminine

Archetypes of your Womb/Moon cycle/ Menstrual Reverence,

Mastering the Energetics,

Embodiment Practices for each phase

and creating rituals and tools to serve

your Pre-Menstrual and Menstrual


$111 value 

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How to Manifest with Ease and Pleasure 

masterclass including 3 embodiment tools to help you manifest more quickly and with more pleasure

-$111 value


"Before the retreat I felt a little run down spiritually, kind of like floating not knowing which way to go next. Now I feel so empowered with knowledge about my womb, sacred masculine and many more things and I feel like I know now how to better access feelings inside my body, especially when it comes to information stored in my womb."

-Jenna M.

"Hannah, Sam, Carissa, and Jess are wonderful, fearless facilitators of female empowerment and it was worth every dime I spent to be able to share in this cultivation of unconditional love with such a stellar group of women! You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain!"


"This is a truly magical experience of self exploration, sensing your essence, an opportunity to sense what you truly desire and knowing it desires you back."

-Merari T. 

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This is for YOU if...

You desire to…


Activate the wisdom of your body, womb, & intuition without self doubt.


Develop a deeper, more fulfilling relationship with the cycles of  your body, your womb, the earth, & with others


Find pleasure in your menstrual cycle and harness the power of your monthly bleed 


Discover authentic embodiment of your pleasure and sensuality  


Stand strong in your boundaries & stop the cycle of people pleasing 


Be held in a safe space for you to let go of lifetimes of personal and generational inhibitions.


Feel confident and free in voicing your truth and aligning with your truest expression


Honor your yoni/womb, and body without doubt, guilt or shame

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The Investment

The total value of this program is $1,554.

100% satisfaction guaranteed

We guarantee your happiness with this program to see results in your life. If you follow through with every class and integrate the work into your life and do not feel like this course helped you access more pleasure, confidence, and ease, we are happy to refund you which you can email us about and we can take you through the process of applying for that refund. 




Receive extra support during your 3 month container with weekly coaching calls with one SamRea or Juilaila at Yoni Temple School. 1:1 personalized support.

Your womb embodiment journey is personal. Things will come up along your journey and having 1:1 support is HIGHLY encouraged. In our weekly calls, we can hold you in the emotions that come up, mirror back your goddess self, provide personalized meditations, womb journeys, movement journeys to release trauma, subconscious wounds, and empower you with accountability in making the empowered choices for your life you deisre.


Our Pillars

Embodied Movement We believe that YOU in full embodiment of your unique essence, your pleasure, your rage, your power, your spirit, your body, and your ancestry...IS the medicine. We are all trained in Amba Movement- an embodied feminine movement system that supports you in coming back home to your body. We guide embodied feminine movement inspired by and with techniques from Amba that allows you to feel everything inside of you and gain access to your own intuitive movement and the powerful elemental medicines within your very body. 

Womb Empowerment. Thousands of years of shame and violence towards the power of feminine nature - our menstrual cycles, our bodies, our expression, our medicine -  has left many womxn void of the opportunity to know the power and healing available within their precious, wild, sacred womb space. This is a supportive community with education and practices for all womxn to live an embodied experience of your womb wisdom and the healing that can occur not just in your own life, but in that of your matriarchal and ancestral lines.

Herbal Plant Spirit Medicine We believe in the healing power of the Earth and the power of connecting to Earth and all the plant spirits. Coming into right relationship with the Earth and all plants and beings is our priority in our herbal teachings- plants are not a commodity to be used, but they are beings to connect with and form relationships with. We teach intuitive herbal medicine making- including body oils and drinking infusions with plant allies that love to support us! 

Sacred Sistership. Through the Medicine Sisters membership, you are tapped in to a  family of medicine womxn who are also devoted to showing up for their own aliveness and continuous embodiment. This a sacred sisterhood community where womxn are supported in living a womb empowered life connected to the earth, her body, and heart-centered Truth. It's not a path you must journey along on your own. Rather, by being held in sacred sistership, each womxn reaches a greater capacity to access her own power and embodiment - and we do it together.

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What Others Are Saying

"I would say it is worth every penny and then some. Before coming across the ad for the immersion on IG I told my higher self that if she just sent me a way I would take it without question. I did and the rewards have been incredible!"

"This is a truly magical experience of self exploration, sensing your essence, an opportunity to sense what you truly desire and knowing it desires you back."

"Do it! Sam, Carissa, and Jess are wonderful, fearless facilitators of female empowerment and it was worth every dime I spent to be able to share in this cultivation of un-conditional love with such a stellar group of women! You literally have nothing to lose and everything to gain!"

"Don't think about it and just do it. You won't regret it. It's hard to explain exactly what you do and experience that weekend, but it's worth it."

 "You get to take a deep dive into who you are because of the loving sacred space that’s created. This opportunity allows for much growth and healing. There is loving community and a deep love and appreciation for every woman’s process here." 



Sister, this is a time where we get to ask ourselves,

"What do I CHOOSE to invest my money, my love, my energy, and my awareness into?"

Cultivating the highest embodiment of your medicine is worth the investment in yourself


So, Earth Goddess, let's reclaim our womb health, sensuality, magnetic essence, & embodiment one womxn at a time. 

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